Michele Touchette Curriculum Vitae
Born and raised in Vancouver, BC, Michèle studied Interior Design at Douglas College and Fine Arts at the University of Regina, UBC, Emily Carr and Ottawa Schools of Art, as well as Kenderdine Campus, Emma Lake, Saskatchewan.
She was the Artist-in-Residence with the Saskatchewan Arts Board and L’Association Francophone Canadienne de Régina for one year, and with the Regina Catholic Schoolboard for 6 years. She taught DLC 250 (Development of Language and Culture 250) and Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced Water Media classes at the University of Regina, the Regina Public and Catholic School Boards, The Saskatchewan Board of Education, as well as community colleges and associations throughout the province of Saskatchewan for 10 years. In 1999, Michèle moved to Vancouver BC, and was a guest lecturer at UBC – Critical Studies in Sexuality. She practiced and taught art in her studio full time until 2007.
Ms. Touchette has had numerous solo, juried and group exhibitions on international, provincial and regional levels. Michèle is the founder of the group Art x 9, a Canadian artists’ collective, and the CBC/SRC Radio Art Auction “Operation Christmas Card” (an annual project benefitting the food banks of Saskatchewan and the CARFAC Artist’s Distress Fund). She is one of the founding members of the committee that conceived, developed and produced the annual Seattle Erotic Art Festival. Both projects are highly successful, and are ongoing. Michèle has juried a number of art exhibitions and has earned many awards. She has been published several times and is listed in the prestigious Dictionary of Western Canadian Francophone Artists and Authors.
Michèle works primarily as a painter/printmaker and is known for her unique style and favorite subject matter, sheep. Recently she has been expanding the “flock” in her same style as well as exploring new fun ways to express herself creatively.
In 2009, she relocated to Key West, Florida, bought a waterfront home and was extremely active in the arts community there. In 2020, she decided to make the move back to the Pacific Northwest a permanent one, and purchased an oceanfront home and studio in Birch Bay, Washington and a tiny home and studio in Harrison Mills, BC.
Michele founded the Harrison Art Guild in Harrison Mills in 2021, where she and the very active group of artists from the local area participate in several exhibitions annually, and meet weekly to share the energies and passions of being a practicing artist.
Ms. Touchette’s work can be found in private and corporate collections throughout the world or by contacting one of the galleries that represent her. www.micheletouchettegallery.com